Let's Learn!

My name is Jesse Caldwell. My life is a little bit crazy, however, it's not too crazy...yet. Let me explain a little bit more before I get into Bible.

My life has been surrounded by Christian people. Church, private school, friends and family. Eveery resourcec was available to me. Hoever, the only resource that was not available to me, was the actual learning of the Bible outside of school. We didn't go to church all that often, and there was always chores to do around. I wasn't allowed to just sit down and talk to myself and teach myself unil these last couple of months. Even then, I have been slacking off because of habit that was built up. But, getting to know God, and getting to know the Word, that is important. It's not only inportant, it's also required. You can't build up a relationship without getting to know God, and what He has to say.

Now, I know that some of us are pretty good at reading the Bible and trying to understand it. Others aren't. And that's ok. We all learn a different way. Me, I don't really compare texts as much as I should. I don't. I find it a little too confusing. But there are times when we need to compare different texts of the Bible to understand the full meaning of it. We will dive into that a little bit later, but for now, we are going to focus on the part where you answer questions about yourself, as honest as you can be. All of these might seem redundant or not worthy, but, these are questions that we want to ask ourselves daily

  1. Why do you continue to study from God's word? Do you do it daily, weekly, monthly, how often?
  2. When was the last time you counted your blessings from God, and not just your blessings, but also your troubles? How often do you thank God for all of those?
  3. What was the last passage that you studied, and how deep did you try to go into it? Did you just read it then move on, or did you try to understand it for your own life, and apply it then?
  4. How often do you want to spend time with God? Every day? Sometimes, or almost not at all? Why?

These questions are quite essential. There are a bunch more essential questions that we need to ask ourselves, but I'm just gonna hit a few of them. We all need to answer these questions honestly, otherwise we can't really say that we have been truthful with ourselves, God, or others. We can't say that, and we better not.

Some people are just denial of their wrongs. Let me put it this way. It's not just some people. It's all people. But the ones that admit defeat and admit that they were wrong and ask for that help, and go with it, those are the people that help the most in this world. The people that pay attention to you, the people that see what you are going through. Those are the ones that will help you make good decisions. People that backstab you, or turn on what they say, that's something we don't forget. At all. Because it hurts. But those people help you learn some of the greatest values in this world, and in this world, we need people that have their priorities straight. Completely straight.

Now, the Bible says to love your enemies as well as yourself. What does this mean? Means that we love everyone the same. There is not one person that we are supposed to hate. Not one. Everyone deserves to be loved over and over again. There's no exception with anyone. I'm not saying that it's gonna be easy. Far from it. We all have people who we ate for reasons of our own. But, that stil doesn't change thefact that we are to love others. At all.

It's never been easy, because all we want to do is hate. Hate is who we are. But, God, he writes a different story than all of us, and His sotry is that we live to love others and Him. Period. No ifs, buts, or anything. At all. But we don't want to. We all want to hate, hate, hate. 'I hate you for doing this to me!' 'Why weren't you there when I neded you most?!' The list goes on for ages, and it never ends. There's no limit as to when they are said or how often everyday. At all. But we gotta try our best. The person you hate now may be your best friend in the future. The person who bullies you now may be working for you in the future. A lot of things can happen when you are a kid that affects your future. You write your future, so we need to make sure that it's a future worth living.

My Life and My Fix

So, what is happening in life? As I said earlier, mine is a bit crazy. Maybe a little more than crazy. Yours probably is as well. The best thing that we can do about it is trust God and make the best out of the situations. You might be asking, how do we make the best of the situations? Life is hard, and I don't exactly know what to do. At all. People there is always something that we can do to make our lives a thousand times better. Always. So, how do we do that? One, ask God for help. Bring Him your troubles and ask Him for the strength and peace you need. Always. He has promised us to give us the right amount of strength that we need to get through our troubles, you just have to ask. Next, go look in the Bible. The Bible holds all of the answers to our problems, questions, and life. Prayer, that's the best medicine for any soul. Us talking to God, that should be daily. I understand that we all aren't perfect and holy. No one is, was, or will be. There is only one person who is/was, and that's Jesus, and even He was tempted. Prayer, as Jesus demonstartes througout His entire life on Earth, is the best way possible.

Now, it's time to examine our own lives and ask questions that hurt us the most. How did I get here? What is the best outcome of the entire situation that I am in, and is it wise to continue? Those are only a couple of many that we should be asking ourselves, and the only way to help ourselves completely is to be honest with ourselves and ask for the ehlp that we need in our lives.